Tuesday, June 24, 2014

DIY – Obsessed with Mason Jars?

I love the way a drink or anything for that matter -  looks in a mason jar. I think they give such pizzazz. I guess you can store spices, or even use them for a vase,  but I found some really cool ideas. Here are a couple of DIY mason jar projects that I think are worth giving a shot!
Vintage Photo Mason Jar


Instructions: Take one Mason Jar , your favorite picture, preferably a black and white one for a cool effect and fill the jar with oil, and a spring of dried lavender makes it also smell nice.
This amazing photo frame is a personal decorative element that fills your place with warmth. It looks very simple and would probably work like a charm in a romantic environment :)

Mason Jar Wall Planter

Instructions: You can get the plants at Wal-Mart on clearance or Home Depot. Make sure that they won’t be plants that grow fast or need to be transplanted for a while. The clamps to hold the jars can be found in Home Depot and go for about $2 for a pack of 2. I’m sure you can find the wood board there as well.  Screw the clamps into the wood board first, then screw the board into the wall. A second set of hands will be helpful while you hold the mason jar in place, while someone can tighten the clamps.
You can use these not only for household plants but if you do not have a garden you can grow your own herbs.

Mason Jar Soap Dispensers
Instructions:  Amazon sells the soap dispenser creation kit! This includes the special pump and lid needed. They run from $10-$15.
Screw the lid on and the mason jar and boom! A classy soap dispenser!


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