Even if you aren’t the most girliest of girls, I think
anyone can appreciate these simple beauty tips. I searched around and found some
pretty cool do’s, don’ts and tips, check them out now:

If you're out of shaving cream, lather your legs with conditioner instead of soap. Conditioner will soften the hair on your legs making it easier to shave (and it will leave your skin feeling extra silky).

2 - Rinse Hair With Beer Or Vinegar
Rinsing your hair with beer helps restore moisture to your locks while using vinegar will up the ante in shine. Soak your hair in either liquid (not at the same time) for a few minutes, then rinse with cold water.

3 - Turn Up The Heat
For curlier, flirtier lashes, the experts at You Beauty recommend heating your lash curler with a hair dryer for five to eight seconds before curling them
4- Use an ice cube a day to keep the fat, acne and
wrinkles away.
It’s OK to admit that this doesn’t sound fun, but if it
will keep fat cells, acne and wrinkles under control, it is well worth it.
Before you go to bed, grab an ice cube and massage it over your face.
5 - Soothe Your Stomach.. And Your Face
Apparently Pepto-Bismol isn't just a stomach soother, it
can also be used as a facial mask. It contains bismuth subsalicylate, which is
commonly found in facial creams. Spread two teaspoons of Pepto-Bismol on your
face, then let it dry for 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing it off with warm
6 - Lighten Hair With Chamomile Tea And Lemon Juice
Rinse your hair with a mixture of chamomile and fresh
lemon juice instead of conditioner to permanently lighten your locks. Allow
your hair to dry while sitting in the sun or use a blow dryer — the heat will
lighten your locks.

You've heard it before — don't pop your zits! Apply a bit of toothpaste to a pimple before bed and washing it off with warm water when you wake up in the morning. Toothpaste draws impurities out of clogged pores and dries the skin and shrinks the pimple. Opt for organic toothpastes rather than gel toothpastes which don't work as well.
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