Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Many of our beloved shows have said farewell until at least September, and if you are a Mad Men fan like myself, we have to wait a whole year for the second half of the season to return. I have always been a fan of television and never really cared for summer television much- there was never a show that I got into during the summertime. As a kid, I was always outside playing (as kids should!) but now that I am older, I find myself more of a homebody and enjoy my time watching my shows. If you are like me, and find yourself bingeing on Netflix and Hulu during weekends, then I have great shows for you:

Orange is the New Black (Season 2) – I CANNOT wait for this Netflix original to come back June 6th! The show focuses on a group of inmates at a female correctional facility. Piper (played by Taylor Schilling) left us wondering WTF did she do to Pennsatucky! (Taryn Manning, yes Peyton and Eli’s lil cousin) All 13 episodes will be available to stream instantly, so be careful not to watch the whole season in one sitting.  

Extant – (CBS) for all you Sci-Fi buffs Extant looks promising. Halle Berry stars as an astronaut who returns from a solo space mission, only to find out that she has become pregnant during her time in space. While back on the home front, her husband is a scientist and builds them a robot son. Somehow the two are connected and of course all humanity is dependent on them finding out! Premieres July 9th at 9pm.

Girl Meets World – (Disney) OMG! I grew up watching Boy Meets World; Cory and Topanga were the ideal puppy love couple. Who knew that Disney would give this show a reboot! The show focuses on Cory and Topanga’s 12 year old daughter Riley as she navigates adolescence, just like her dad did way back when! I am even more excited that Rider Strong aka Shawn Hunter will make appearances. The show premieres June 27th at 9:45pm.


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